Tuesday 24 November 2015

Difference Between @Resource, @Autowired and @Inject in Spring Injection

  1. @Resource – Defined in the javax.annotation package and part of Java
  2. @Inject – Defined in the javax.inject package and part of Java
  3. @Autowired – Defined in the package org.springframework.bean.factory and part of Spring framework.

@Autowired and Inject behaves exactly same

Order is  -> byType -> @Qualifier ->byName


public class FruitProcessor {

private Fruit fruit;
//private Fruit fruit;
//private Fruit fruit;

public class FruitProcessor {

private Fruit apple;
//private Fruit fruit;
//private Fruit fruit;

public String toString() {
return "FruitProcessor [apple=" + apple + "]";


output is :
FruitProcessor [apple=Apple [taste=sour, getColor()=null]]

Means still we mentioned @Qualifier("mango") but it is autowired by

Because Autowiring  order for @Resource  is -byName -> byType->@Qualifier

Summary :-
@Autowired and @Inject
  1. Matches by Type
  2. Restricts by Qualifiers
  3. Matches by Name
  1. Matches by Name
  2. Matches by Type
  3. Restricts by Qualifiers (ignored if match is found by name)

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